Sunday, January 22, 2006

After posting my new entry and checking this morning for comments, I began to wonder why people create blogs. I created mine because my husband was pushing for me to "try" it. I have come to realize that I am searching for validation from the world that what I am feeling and what I am experiencing is not odd. And yet, that would be the problem I am having right now. I need to understand, as all individuals should, that we don't need the validation of the world. We need to find a place within ourselves in which we can say, "I am okay." As a teacher, I struggle everyday to teach my ninth graders that they must have confidence in themselves, and as adults, do we always possess the confidence that we need to show?

I know that this weekend I have traveled through a wide range of emotions, and I know that on Monday when I walk into school, I will not be the same woman I was on Friday when I left. I suppose that was my goal . . . .?


At 7:43 AM, Blogger Regality said...

Be assured that, though people do not leave comments, they do read your blog. I stumbled in here through the "next blog" option.


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