Wednesday, August 02, 2006


William Shakespeare says that the world is a stage and we are merely players. He goes on to say that there are those who will have their entrances and exits in our lives tan will play some part whether large or small. It is this that I consider.

It is strange to me at times how we deal with people we call friend. At times we thank God daily for their mere presence and other days we wonder why we even began an acquaintance let alone a true friendship. This last year I endured a great deal of drama in the friend department and had just about decided that being a loner was the way to go! However, as sometimes can happen, reconciliations have occurred.

A dear friend of mine is moving and, while I know that we will keep in contact and such, it is not the same as having her at arms reach. Soul sisters sounds goofy to me, but when we met we became just that! Unfortunately, we were victims to our own stupid pride and some outside influence, and we became distant this last year. Time that can never be regained, that never seemed so important then, is now so precious that it is painful to the heart. We have reconciled and now everything that had seemed so important suddenly means nothing. Why are we so ignorant? When we allow emotions such as pride or jealousy to intervene where they do not belong, we lose out on moments that can never be recaptured.

I don't understand why we let the trivial things destroy what should be so beautiful.

I really love her and know that I will miss her daily. I wish that I had been more aware of my immaturity so that I would not carry so much regret now. Another hard lesson of life I guess.